Time:Registration 11:30 AMLunch 11:45 AMShotgun Start 1:00 PMBuffet Dinner & Awards 6:15 PM
Location: Deerwood Country Club (845 Woodlane Rd, Westampton, NJ 08060)
Cost:$175 per person$650 per foursome $40 per person for dinner only
PACAKGE INCLUDES:- Lunch- Greens Fee- Golf Cart- Buffet Dinner- Prizes
RSVP/Payment:Registration deadline is September 14, 2015Registrations Can Be Made HereDownload Flyer (PDF - 736KB)
Golf Outing SponsorshipEagle Sponsorship—$750 - Your company will receive Advertising— web, print, day of the event announcements, and an opportunity to speak and provide promotional items about your services.
Birdie Sponsorship—$500 - Your company will receive Advertising—web, print and day of the event announcement.
Hole Sponsorship—$250 - Your company will receive Advertising—day of the event announcement.
ASHE SNJ 2015 Golf Outing Flyer_04.06.2015.pdf
ASHE SNJ is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. Donations support our scholarship fund. Including the 2024 Scholarships, over $283,000 has been awarded to worthy students.