The project involves a recently completed rehabilitation of the NJDOT bridge located in Little Ferry and Ridgefield Park, Bergen County, New Jersey. The bridge is 1,550 ft long with 16 concrete encased approach spans and a double leaf steel bascule span. There are 2 EB and 2 WB lanes with no shoulder and 8 ft sidewalks on both sides. The deck slab was removed and replaced half the bridge at a time while maintaining 2 lanes (1 EB and 1 WB) and one sidewalk for pedestrians. Unique features in the bridge rehab include cast-in-place exodermic bridge deck system used for the deck slab replacement, architectural concrete balustrade replacement to mimic the existing, bascule span steel repairs, concrete encasement removal and construction access, rocker bearing repairs including anchor and girder bolt replacement, seismic retrofits including cable restrainers and concrete shear blocks and the installation of a NY 2-rail along the sidewalk curb line to protect motorists and pedestrians.
Mr. Willis is an accomplished Senior Structural Engineer with 28 years of experience in bridge design. He has been with AECOM for the past 14 years and is the Department Manager for both Piscataway and Clifton offices. He is experienced in the final design of new bridges as well as the widening, rehabilitation, seismic retrofit and deck replacement of existing bridges. Bridge types that Mr. Willis has experience with include straight and curved steel plate girders, trusses, floorbeams, stringers, prestressed concrete beams, open spandrel arches, precast slabs and exodermic decks. He has worked extensively with New Jersey clients, including NJDOT, NJTA, SJTA, Port Authority of NY & NJ and Middlesex and Somerset Counties. In addition to New Jersey, Mr. Willis’ bridge design experience also covers New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Oklahoma, Georgia and Florida. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in New Jersey and New York with his BSCE from the University of Florida and MSCE from the University of Central Florida. He is published in the International Journal of Computers and Structures and has presented at the International Bridge Conference.
5:00 PM – Social Hour 6:00 PM – Dinner 7:00 PM – Speaker Presentation 8:00 PM – Closing Remarks and Upcoming Event Announcements * Certificate for 1.0 PDH will be provided at the end of the night.
$35 per Public Employee Member $45 per ASHE Member $55 Non-Member/Non-Registered Walk-ins * Students may attend for free by contacting Richard Grubb, ASHE SNJ Membership Committee Lead, at
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Mike Frabizzio for more information at
ASHE SNJ is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. Donations support our scholarship fund. Including the 2024 Scholarships, over $283,000 has been awarded to worthy students.