A combination of changes (additional rail line, quiet zone project, and reprofiling of Edgewood Road) at the railroad crossing on Edgewood Road in Lower Makefield Township, Bucks County PA significantly reduced the available intersection sight distance at Sandy Run Road. The Township proactively decided to close the intersection in the interest of public safety before any collisions had occurred. SAFE Highway Engineering (SAFE) was requested to consider options that would provide some level of access to/from Sandy Run Road given the intersection was closed for over three years and the detour route exceeded 2 miles for some residents.
SAFE developed a creative solution involving the physical restriction of left turn movements, the construction of two mini roundabouts to facilitate those left turn movements, and the installation of a High Friction Surface Treatment (HFST) to minimize the potential for rear end collisions in the vicinity of the intersection. This presentation will elaborate on the specific safety concerns at this location, the alternatives that were considered, engineering studies completed by SAFE, and the post construction data collection results.
Joe Fiocco has been working in the traffic engineering and highway safety industry for over 37 years and is a Principal at SAFE Highway Engineering LLC (SAFE). SAFE specializes in highway safety and traffic engineering studies and clients have included PennDOT, The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, local municipalities, and private sector clients. Joe was the president of ASHE SNJ in 2011 and 2012.
While a PennDOT District 6 engineer, Joe directed and coordinated the highway pavement marking, signing, and work zone traffic control program and reviewed highway design plans as the District Safety Review Committee Chairperson. He was instrumental in the Road Safety Audit Pilot programs in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He is certified in accident reconstruction, motorcycle collision reconstruction and human factors in vehicle collisions.
Attendees will be eligible to receive 1 PDH (NJ, PA, and DE; check for eligibility in other states).
5:00 PM – Social Hour 6:00 PM – Dinner 6:45 PM – Meeting Sponsor Presentations 7:00 PM – Presentation 8:00 PM – Closing Remarks and Upcoming Event Announcements
Registrations changed after the registration closing deadline will be charged the Non-Member price.
Contact sara.irick@fpaengineers.com if assistance with registration is needed.
For information on becoming a sponsor, please contact Mike Danko at Mdanko@MidAtlanticEng.com.
ASHE SNJ is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. Donations support our scholarship fund. Including the 2024 Scholarships, over $283,000 has been awarded to worthy students.