The annual ASHE SNJ golf outing helps to fund the scholarships that are given out each year to students of southern New Jersey. Thank you to all of the participants and sponsors who made last year’s outing the success that it was! Your support and generous donations have allowed ASHE SNJ to give out $283,000 in scholarships to date. This year, we will be awarding multiple scholarships exceeding a total amount of $24,000.
This year, after significant positive feedback from membership, we will be returning to Little Mill Country Club. Please join us for a day of golfing, networking, and just plain fun. With your support, we can help future engineers!
7:30 AM - Registration Opens with Breakfast 8:30 AM - Shotgun Start 1:00 PM - Lunch, Awards, and Raffle Prizes
Please contact Joe Chichilitti at with any questions regarding the event.
Please contact Sara Irick at for any registration issues!
ASHE SNJ is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. Donations support our scholarship fund. Including the 2024 Scholarships, over $283,000 has been awarded to worthy students.