Environmental Construction Monitoring – After I get the permits, then what ?
This presentation will consist of well-known experts in the environmental and cultural fields and will address requirements for compliance with the conditions of environment permits during the construction phase of transportation projects. The format will be a mock pre-construction meeting for a hypothetical bridge construction project with the Owner, in this case NJDOT, the Anxious Contractor (The Belligerent Mr. Grubb), and the environmental and archeological specialists charged with training the contractor and monitoring compliance with environmental permits.
Presenters will include the formidable Amy Greene, President of Amy S. Greene Environmental Consultants, and specialists from her staff, Craig Metzgar, Senior Project Manager and Harry Stano, Project Manager. The archaeologist will be Paul McEachen, Director of Archaeological Services at RGA.
Unique to the presentation will be trying to control our very own Richard Grubb who will be playing the role of the Anxious Contractor worried about the scheduling delays caused by what he sees as unrealistic and unnecessary requirements. Will Mr. Grubb be satisfied in the end? Come and see for yourself!
* Students may attend for free by contacting Richard Grubb, ASHE SNJ Membership Committee Lead, at rgrubb@rgaincorporated.com
ASHE SNJ would like to thank our Sponsors:
If you are interested, please contact Mike Frabizzio for more information at mfrabizzio@aidpe.com
ASHE SNJ is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. Donations support our scholarship fund. Including the 2024 Scholarships, over $283,000 has been awarded to worthy students.