This year, we are excited to announce that awards will be kept a secret until the night of the event. Presentations will not be given this year by award winners so we can keep it a secret! The awardees this year include:
5:00 PM – Social Hour 6:00 PM – Dinner 6:45 PM – Meeting Sponsor Presentations 7:00 PM – Awards 8:00 PM – Closing Remarks and Upcoming Event Announcements
Registrations changed after the registration closing deadline will be charged the Non-Member price.
For information on becoming a sponsor, please contact Richard Grubb at
Need Registration Help or looking to register as a student?
ASHE North Central Members should email for ASHE Member Rate.
ASHE SNJ is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. Donations support our scholarship fund. Including the 2024 Scholarships, over $283,000 has been awarded to worthy students.