The annual ASHE SNJ golf outing helps to fund the scholarships that are given out each year to students of southern New Jersey. Thank you to all of the participants and sponsors who made last year’s outing the success that it was! Your support and generous donations have allowed ASHE SNJ to give out $211,500 in scholarships to date. This year, we are awarding four (4) scholarships totaling $11,500. With your generosity and attendance at our outing, we hope to increase those awards next year.
We understand that there is much uncertainty in the current COVID-19 environment. We plan hold the event again this year in compliance with guidance and restrictions in the State of New Jersey. We will follow all health and safety guidance, as everyone’s health is of the utmost importance. We are working with the course to adjust our operations to ensure a safe environment. As we receive additional guidance from Government Officials, we will notify you of any changes to the event.
Our cancellation policy remains as usual: We can offer full refunds only if registrations are canceled before the registration closing date. If the event is canceled, we will apply account credit or offer full refunds.
With that in mind, we hope you can join us in these challenging times to benefit the deserving students who rely on the scholarships given out at this event. This year, after significant positive feedback from membership, we will be returning to Little Mill Country Club. Please join us on July 15th for a day of golfing, networking, and just plain fun. With your support, we can help future engineers!
7:00 AM - Registration Opens with Breakfast 8:00 AM - Shotgun Start 1:00 PM - Lunch, Awards, and Raffle Prizes
To purchase a Ticket Package, first select the Registration Type. On the Registration Information page, enter the desired number of Ticket Packages. Limit one per attendee.
Support the Golf Outing by becoming a sponsor! Contact George Zimmer at for more information.
An additional way to support the Golf Outing is to donate a raffle prize! The Table Raffle will be held during the lunch portion of the golf outing. Your company or individual name will be prominently displayed with your donation. Past prizes have included tickets to a ball game, golf or sporting good item, restaurant gift card, hotel stay, gift basket, etc. You can decorate the prize, wrap it up, paste your logo all over it, or whatever you want to do to advertise your company. Be creative!
All we ask is that the prize value has a minimum value of $50. Do not worry, we will have the infamous arrangement of ASHE SNJ raffle prizes (fishing poles, tennis rackets, etc.) available for your choosing. Prizes will be on display during the event and awarded at the end.
If you are interested in donating a prize or have any questions, please email George Zimmer at Prizes should be given to George by July 3, 2020 to be included in the raffle.
Each raffle prize will have its own bucket for attendees to purchase tickets and drop them into the bucket for the prize that they want to try to win.
1st Place Prize Medals will be awarded to the team with the lowest team score including a $50 gift card to Pro Shop. 2nd Place Prize Medals will be awarded to the team with the second lowest team score including a $25 gift card to Pro Shop.
Longest Drive (Men) is included with your registration. Longest Drive (Women) is included with your registration. Closest to the Pin is included with your registration. Pot of Gold Challenge will be $5 per entry. The prize will be half of the collections at the hole. Putting Contest will be $5 for three (3) putts. If you sink the putt, your name will be entered into a drawing to be held during lunch. The prize will be a gift certificate for a foursome at Little Mill Country Club. 50/50 Prize tickets will be sold throughout the event. Tickets will be one (1) ticket for $5, four (4) tickets for $10, or ten (10) tickets for $20. Table Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the event. Tickets will be one (1) ticket for $5, four (4) tickets for $10, or ten (10) tickets for $20. Tickets can be dropped into baskets for a chance to win a raffle prize.
10 Still Available!
Please contact George Zimmer at with any questions.
ASHE SNJ is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. Donations support our scholarship fund. Including the 2024 Scholarships, over $283,000 has been awarded to worthy students.